[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE for Linux

David Krings ramons at
Sat Sep 16 09:02:12 EDT 2006


	does anyone have a good recommendation for a PHP IDE for Linux? On Windope 
I use EnginSite PHP Editor, which is an awesome deal for the price although 
it could use a better implementation of the debugger. I want some PHP 
geared IDE that has some basic project handling and is easily linked to the 
Apachefriends XAMPP or comes with its own built-in server (like the 
EnginSite editor). The debugger capabilities should allow for running an 
entire set of scripts in debug mode and offer the capabilities of break 
points and watches.
	I looked at xored's Eclipse based system and since I can't figure anything 
out it strikes me as not very intuitive, maybe it requires more studies 
than the basic manual. Also, it doesn't have to be for free, but also 
should not be as expensive as Zend.

	Any pointers are greatly appreciated,


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