[nycphp-talk] Deep Linking with AJAX?

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Thu Dec 14 11:55:45 EST 2006

I have a designer who would like to have links on the subnav to NOT  
refresh the page.  This could be done with iFrames, but best if done  
with a DIV using AJAX.

However, from a usability perspective, I am concerned that the URL  
displayed on the Location string is not the page they are looking at  
after they have loaded an AJAX page.  If the user does a copy/paste  
into an email to send to somebody, they will not arrive at the  
intended page.

I have looked at Christian Cantrell's article <http://>  
on the topic (though that's over a year old now) and the work-arounds  
were less than convincing.

Does anybody know of a better technique to do this or is the  
consensus that if I want the URL to reflect the actual page I am  
viewing, it should be the old fashion way with page refreshes?


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