[nycphp-talk] Parsing webpages & submiting form data w/PHP

Ben Sgro bens at
Thu Aug 24 10:25:29 EDT 2006

Hello all, 


I'm currently working on an open source application in c (linux/win) that
will be used for a number of things.

One item is parsing web pages to retrieve data and submit data to pages via
forms and the URL.


The c application can execute scripts and pass arguments to those scripts
AND receive the complete data or error status from these scripts back into
the c application.


For speed of development Id like to implement the web parsing/submitting in
PHP and then maybe recode in c if necessary.


I've looked into curl, and a few other scripts I've seen, but I've had
strange timeout issues with CURL in PHP.

I'm curious if there is a tried and recommended class or group of procedures
I could use to do this (excluding curl).


I understand the web parsing is subjective; there will not be a one size
fits all. Is it best to read in an entire webpage as raw html and then
search it?


Could I break it into xml and then parse it? Should I read in chunks, parse
those and continue?

What experiences has anyone had with is?


Also cookie handling would be a plus, as well as https in whatever class or
library is recommended.




- Ben.

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