[nycphp-announce] IBM's PHP Strategy - New York PHP June Meeting

Chris Hendry noreply at
Fri Jun 10 13:17:23 EDT 2005

New York PHP June Meeting 
        When: June 28th, 2005 at 6:30pm *sharp* 
       Where: 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th floor) 
Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th 
You must RSVP within 30 days of the meeting you will attend and must RSVP
for every meeting. 
This means you likely need to RSVP!  Please to
check your RSVP status.  If there are any questions, contact us at

IBM's PHP Strategy
Join us this month as we hear from David Boloker, CTO of Emerging Technology
in the IBM Software Group. Dave and his team will speak about IBM's PHP
strategy, contributions, and upcoming products.
The team from IBM will also discuss the recent Zend Technologies partnership
and demonstrate some PHP applications and extensions that are in the works.
This meeting promises to be a great opportunity to ask questions about IBM's
PHP roadmap.
The presenters will cover the following topics:
IBM's PHP Strategy (David Boloker)
- Why PHP
- The Zend relationship
- What are we doing and where are we going
PHP Technologies and IBM (Stewart Nickolas) 
- PDO status and efforts
- Web services
Composite Applications using Mambo (Dan Gisolfi)
- Building composite applications with open source components and frameworks

Thanks to Dan Krook and Platinum sponsor IBM for providing a great
presentation space with seating for plenty.
As a service to our community, New York PHP meetings are always free and
open to the public.
Come prepared with a business card to enter book raffles.
        When: June 28th, 2005 at 6:30pm *sharp* 
       Where: 590 Madison Avenue, Room 1219 (12th floor) 
Post-Meeting: TGI Fridays at Lexington and 56th 
Join us after the meeting for good food and discussion! 

Designer Track Training Seat Available 
We have a couple seats available in the upcoming training in June.  If you'd
like to attend see and learn more at
PHP Turns 10
Thanks to all those who showed up for our informal get together on June 8th
for PHP's tenth birthday.  Lots of good development discussion was had!

New York PHP 
AMP Technology 
Supporting Apache, MySQL and PHP 
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