[nycphp-announce] PHP Turns Ten at the Remote Lounge in NYC

Chris Hendry noreply at
Sat Jun 4 11:01:02 EDT 2005

While it's true that we often look for any excuse to get together and
celebrate the wonder that is PHP, this time we have a real occasion: this
coming Wednesday, PHP turns ten!
Come help New York PHP celebrate 10 years of the language we all know and
love.  June 8th is the 10th anniversary of Rasmus Lerdorf's original
Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) announcement
Join us at the Remote Lounge ( starting at
6:30pm, this Wednesday, June 8th, as we reflect on the explosive success of
PHP over the last decade and explore what is to come in the next decade.
Or, just come and be 'seen' at this tech friendly lounge.
Hope to see you there.

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