[zendframework] Is ZF becoming too insanely complicated?

John Nunez john at
Fri May 15 12:16:19 EDT 2009

Hi David,

As stated before I can't comment on Zend_Application but the  
Autoloader and Bootstrapping process are items that existed before  
Application was release. Zend_Application was developed for those that  
compare/complained that ZF was not like CakePHP or CodeIgnighter or  
any other MVC. Zend_Tool sounds great especially if you are just  
starting but it will take me too long to work it into my ZF Structure  
and then to train my team on using it. The best advice that I can give  
you is get your directory structure set and as well as your bootstrap  
file and then add on afterwards as you learn and need new modules.   
Other than tweaking I rarely change my bootstrap or my directory  

Note: Zend Framework has a couple of recommended Directory Structures  
but I feel like the one that I have is more that sufficient for my  
tasks and back when I developed it there were no recommendations.   
Also when I say I developed I mean I put together through assistance  
from other developers, projects, etc.  If you want I can post and  
explain my current directory structure. It's guarantee not to work  
with Zend_Tool.


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