[nycphp-talk] Strange ! and line break coming through via msyql/php/mail()

Aaron Fischer afischer at
Thu Nov 17 18:37:54 EST 2011

I have a script that gets some text out of a MySQL table and sends it in the message body via the mail function.  Some of the emails are coming through with an exclamation point followed by the text being moved to a new line.
I'm not sure where this ! and \n are coming from.  When I view the text in mysql, it's clean, there is no ! or \n.  If I output to the browser with nl2br(), there is no ! or <br>.
I've done some searching and haven't found any helpful info so I'm appealing to you all.  Has anyone seen behavior like this, or have a recommendation for what I can do to diagnose or fix the problem?
I have a number of rows in the table.  Some of the them come through clean on the email, and two come through with this mystery ! and line break.  I've had the emails go to different accounts and viewed via client or browser, and that doesn't make a difference. 
Thoughts?  Suggestions?
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