[nycphp-talk] Writing daemons in PHP

Anthony Wlodarski anthony at
Fri Apr 8 20:34:18 EDT 2011

I don't have knowledge or expertise in this area but I have written a 
few things in node.js and using upstart to control the jobs.  However 
doing my own research on how to write a daemon in PHP you should check 


On 04/07/2011 05:38 PM, Gary Mort wrote:
> Just wondering what, in general, others are using for writing daemons in
> PHP.
> Just code it directly using libevent...   or using a framework such as
> phpdaemon,
> For a first pass, I need to set up a more intelligent CPULimit app to
> meet my specific goals.  Since all CPULimit basically does is check all
> the PID's every 2ms and send out kill to processes with SIGSTOP and
> SIGCONT - it seems simple to do the same with PHP.
> Just loop through every 2 ms and when cpu usage is over the threshold,
> do some quick calcs to determine how many microseconds before the
> processes can be continued in order to drop the cpu usage below the
> threshold and use libevent to set the callback time.
> Granted, this is supposedly "better" to program in C rather than PHP,
> but since I want to be able to do quick changes and keep the learning
> curve small, I'd rather do it in PHP until everything has been tweaked
> and perfected.  Then it's always an option to try using HipHop to
> convert it.... or if it is running well and doing what is needed, leave
> it be.
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Anthony Wlodarski
Lead Software Engineer
646 285 0500 x217

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