[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Edgar Reyes ereyes at
Sat Apr 2 15:09:29 EDT 2011

Ok now I get where you are coming from, see we where taking about 2
different situations, I very rarely take jobs that require me to go into the
clients office for X amount of time every day. 

I like to take projects I will give the client an estimated date of
completion and update him accordingly. So if it takes me 3 weeks or 3 months
the quote that I gave him stands unless he asks for extra features. I live
in Long Island so for me to go into the city for less then $75 per hour is
not really worth it cause I have to account for the 2.5 hour commute time
every day that's over 12 per week that I'm loosing, I know a lot of people
don't count their commute time cause that's just part of the job, but I take
everything into account when taking a job, hey that time is time that I
could be spending with my family and that's worth a lot more then $75 per

But again to each its own, it seems like you are doing well and are happy
with your rates and many others here who are charging more are doing well
and happy also. So I guess the lesson here is that there is a market for
every one. One thing though, one reason why I don't charge less and always
try to stand my ground is because some time back when I used to charged less
some companies actually wouldn't hire me because they thought that since I
wasn't charging them as much I probably was not as good!! Go figure, ones I
raised my rates I got more jobs :) people are strange.


-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Kristina Anderson
Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:48 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?


The reality of this economy is that small & medium sized businesses ARE 
NOT GOING TO PAY more than $2,000 a week for an engineer.

If you disagree, I mean, that's great, I'd love to make twice that but 
the reality is that if I ask for $4,000 a week, I'm going to be looking 
for work for A LONG TIME.  And $2,000 in US cash is worth far more than 
$4,000 in my fantasy world of what I'd "like to earn".

I'll even take $6,500 a month on occasion if the project is for someone 
I want to help.  I think that it's great to aim higher, I am all in 
favor of making the bucks, but in this economy $8,000 a month is A LOT 
in these company's minds.

I agree if someone is getting jerked around and asked for "small 
updates" (which I don't waste time with, I take on larger projects in 
the area of $5,000 + only), then yeah.  But the reality is, $8,000 a 
month is what people earn.   This is provable, this is reality, and 
fantasizing about making what lawyers make isn't going to change that 


On 4/2/2011 12:35 PM, Edgar Reyes wrote:
> Hi Kristina,
> No, no assumptions, I sure you are a good programmer, but every one I
> to that are PHP programmers specially with as much experience as you have
> are charging a lot more then $50 an hour lol.. Don't you think that after
> years you have earned a raise?
> Than again I really charge more based on a project not so much per hour,
> when I do have to come back for what ever time to fix things or small
> updates my rates start at $75 per hour. Heck if the geeksquad can charge
> 69.99 to set up a pc and $49.99 to set up an email account why would I
> charge less than that lol .
> Bottom line whether is selling your services or anything else it's only
> worth as much as people are willing to pay for it. but in my opinion you
> should not short change your worth, like I tell my soon to be clients and
> current clients, I may not be the least expensive but you get what you pay
> for, and I can show clients how a lot of the work that I've have done has
> paid for it self 10 fold if not more, so it's worth the investment and
> of them don't hire me at that time but do call me back to fix the mess
> one else makes and then I get to charge them more cause now I have to
> time figuring out the mess that some one else made.
> ER
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
> Behalf Of Kristina Anderson
> Sent: Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:20 PM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?
> Ed,
> I've been a programmer in NYC for almost 13 years (maybe you assumed
> otherwise because of my gender), I started out in 1998 making $50 an
> hour, and I'm still making $50 an hour, and everyone else I know who is
> a PHP programmer in NYC is making between $45-55 an hour as well (over
> 20 other people that I personally know and have worked with).
> It's great to talk about what "should be" or what "could be" but the
> reality is, $50 an hour.
> Kristina
> On 4/2/2011 11:20 AM, Edgar Reyes wrote:
>> I think we are talking about 2 different things here, one is programming
> and
>> the other is designing, Krista programmers in NYC make a lot more then
>> per hour, depending on your skill set and what language you program in.
> For
>> design work yes $50 per hour is about right for simple design work and
> even
>> that is in the lower end, and that can vary depending on the sort of
> design,
>> if it involves some sort of specialize CSS and or flash etc. then it goes
>> up.
>> ER
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