[nycphp-talk] "Drupal makes me hAPI" talk: NYLUG 3/17 @ 6:30PM by Forest Mars and Jingsheng Wang

forest mars compustretch at
Mon Mar 15 16:08:30 EDT 2010

This Drupal to NYLUG on Wednesday and may be of interest to any NY PHPers;
given the audience it will be tailored it more to the admin & performance
side, but will cover a lot of ground about Drupal.

 All are welcome, but RSVP through is required for IBM access:

                      Forest Mars and Jingsheng Wang
                                  - on -
                        Drupal makes me hAPI: open
                   source social publishing architecture

Drupal is open source social publishing software that empowers individuals,
teams, and communities to easily publish, manage and organize a wide
variety of content on a website as well as build more complex web
applications.  Tens of thousands of people and organizations have used
Drupal to power scores of different types of web sites, including community
web portals, corporate web sites, social networking sites, personal web
sites or blogs, and much more.

Drupal's roots extend deep into the Linux and Open Source communities.
Drupal had its "coming out" at the 2005 FOSDEM conference in Brussels and
early iterations were mainly developed on Linux.

This talk will cover the Drupal framework with an emphasis on architecture
and programming patterns while touching on a number of other topics such as
performance tuning and hosting integration as well as considering the
underlying reasons for Drupal's wide-ranging success, all served up with a
healthy smathering of awesome sauce.

The presentation will also include a short real world case study of a
Drupal SaaS implementation "the BeerCloud" (an Android and iPhone
application which uses Drupal as a backend)

About Forest Mars & Jingsheng Wang:

Forest Mars is a Network Architect and Drupal Developer who presents on a
variety of topics concerning the Future of Media including Open Source
models, trusted network protocols, and web video broadcasting.  Coming from
a background in Cybernetics and Information Theory, Forest Mars is known for
his work as the architect of New York's first WiFi Internet Service
Provider, the "Two Rooms" free Internet cafe located in Manhattan's East
Village, and "Yellow Hat" a Debian based Linux distro with Tibetan language
support.  He is currently serves as a board member of the Community Free
Software Group and Unigroup of New York.

Jingsheng Wang is a Drupal Developer, Android Developer and Reverse
Engineer at .

 More Information:

 * Drupal

 * Drupal + Services Module + Beer = BeerCloud on Android and iPhone

 * Community Free Software Group

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
IBM 590 Madison Ave, 12th Floor
*** RSVP Closes at 4:30 PM the day of the meeting (sharp!) ***

Swag (Give Away):
 During/after the meeting... unusually terrific swag may be given

 After the meeting ... You may wish to join up with other NYLUGgers
 for drinks and pub food.  This month we'll be over at TGI Friday's
 (677 Lexington and 56th Street, Second floor, Northeast corner),
 but we are also evaluating other options for the future and welcome
 your suggestions.

"In theory, theory and practice are exactly the same.
In practice, they're completely different."
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