[nycphp-talk] What are everyone's thoughts on Zend Framework.

Paul M Jones pmjones88 at
Mon Apr 19 00:33:19 EDT 2010

(Full disclosure: I am the lead architect on Solar.)

On Apr 18, 2010, at 14:58 , Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> Coming from a CakePHP background you definitely should check out Lithium:
> Has a lot of emerging ideas and forward-thinking features that can't
> be done with frameworks that aim for PHP4 compatibility.

Please note that at least some of those ideas (e.g. the universal constructor) are taken from Solar, which is comparable to ZF in structure and organization (and pre-dates ZF as well).  If you're considering ZF, you should consider Solar.


Here are some ways Solar is already in advance of ZF:

  <> "The Future of Zend Framework is Solar"

Someone mentioned the Cake ORM system; here is some info on the Solar ORM (which is use-at-will):

- <> "Solar Models vs. Zend Framework Models"
- <> "Working With Models"
- <> "Working With Related Models"

Hope that helps.


Paul M. Jones

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