[nycphp-talk] Drupal Framework / CMS Question

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sun Oct 11 22:51:21 EDT 2009

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 10:38 PM,  <webmaster at> wrote:
> Actually, that was my exact reaction when I read the comment. Thanks
> for all the replies to my post, I appreciate them all though I am
> still a little confused about how joomla was described as a framework
> and drupal as not?

The Joomla project is actually splitting out the framework for
separate distribution as many folks don't realize that the standard
Joomla 1.5 download actually contains:

* Joomla framework
* Joomla installation app (uses framework)
* Joomla front end app (uses framework)
* Joomla back end app (uses framework)

This is a big difference from a developer perspective, as I can
completely disregard CMS features by just using the framework, which
is a glue framework akin to Zend, Kohana, CodeIgniter et al.

Drupal however, is one application. I don't think there is a framework
under the hood that was used to create the Drupal CMS. This is not a
slight to Drupal though - in fact I usually recommend folks go with a
full CMS like Drupal or Joomla, as framework developed apps need a
developer to maintain, and full CMS stacks can be updated without
writing code (in a perfect world, at least).

Maybe I'm just being pedantic, as to me "framework" != "content
management system". What do you folks think?

-- Mitch

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