[nycphp-talk] Connecting to an Oracle DB

Néstor rotsen at
Fri Mar 27 12:05:37 EDT 2009

This is the error I am getting:
[Fri Mar 27 08:34:31 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
 ocilogon() [<a href='function.ocilogon'>function.ocilogon</a>]:
OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. There is something wrong with your system - please
check that PATH includes the directory with Oracle Instant Client libraries
in C:\\Program Files\\Apache
Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\oracle_php\\adodb5\\drivers\\ on
line 235 [Fri Mar 27 08:34:31 2009] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
error:  Call to a member function FetchRow() on a non-object in C:\\Program
Files\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\oracle_php\\adodb.php on line 9

I have research it in the internet and you find a lot of messages about this
type of problem but there is not a real solution to the problem.  I have
tried everything I have read in this forum and others and nothing.
I will give up for now, but I will try something else in the future.

One of the threads I read mentions that the way to do it is to use the zend
php package that somehow that package has the correct compatability dlls.  I
will try that in the future but for the moment I need to concetrate on other

Thanks all for your help.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Tim Gales <tgales at> wrote:

> Néstor wrote:
>> I am using php 5.2.5
>> php_mysql.dll is loading and I can access my mysql databse with some of my
>> php programs
>> php_ldap.dll is loading
>> Yes, I might have to download and install php 5.2.9 which is the latest
> First download a copy of dependency walker from:
> Make sure that you have a copy of of php_oci8.dll in the
> ext directory (as defined in your php.ini)
> Run dependency walker on the php_oci8.dll
> Chances are that you will see an error about not being able to
> open OCI.DLL
> This means that your windows os cannot find the client connect software.
> You should change your path to point to the client software --
> or somehow get dependency walker to run clean.
> The most probable cause of not being able to load the client
> software is that no client is installed
> Perhaps you should read
> A word of advice: don't let dll's resolve to your system directory
> That is, erase php_oci8.dll from the system32 directory
> (and anywhere else you may  have thought it should go --
> and use 'path' resolving instead)
> --
> T. Gales & Associates
> 'Helping People Connect with Technology'
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