[nycphp-talk] Changing your site look - What is the norm

Corey H Maass - corey at
Mon Mar 9 15:03:35 EDT 2009

If you follow Amazon's model then small, constant updates is key. Less
jarring to the user and better and safer for adapting/integrating new
technologies. Fewer days of panic for you, "OMG! The whole nav doesn't
work on safari 3?! But we can't roll back because the new db won't


On Mon, 9 Mar 2009 14:44:03 -0400, "Peter Sawczynec" <ps at>
> I have never read any exact rule on how often to update 
> a website look. But, here is my opinion from my experience. 
> First, it is important to keep in mind, that most all web sites 
> get technologically stale every single year. 
> Updates < 1 Year
> Very commercial websites and youth oriented sites (MTV, 
> TV shows, shampoo, fast food, bands, high-profile politicians) 
> update at least every year. Many aggressive commercial sites 
> change 2 or 3X a year. 
> 1.5 - 2 Years Is Sensible, Proactive Time to Update 
> If you want to keep the website looking like it is ahead 
> of the curve or at least right on the curve; the website 
> could use to be updated by 1.5 years. Up to 2 years 
> update time is still Okay.
> 3 Years Is Far End of Time to Update
> Most standard web sites (govt., high end retail, 
> associations, accountants, lawyers, real estate, furniture, 
> car dealer, local radio station, local politician) start to get 
> totally visually stale at about 3 years. And, of course, 
> I feel even a 2-year old web site design 
> is showing its age. 
> 5 Years Is Death
> It is common though for these types of above noted 
> business entities to try to take a website design out 
> to 5 years. At 5 years the old design is absolutely expired 
> and is hurting the company image, not enhancing. 
> Even a  great clean corporate-look web site rigidly 
> conformed to a classic design grid and using virtually no 
> graphic dingbats of any kind would still need a refresh 
> at about 5 years max, I think. 
> The site width and height proportions get stale. 
> Color scheme gets stale, font choices get stale. 
> Even the widths of the columnar layout 
> can get stale.
> Warmest regards, 
> Peter Sawczynec 
> Technology Dir.
> bl&#363;studio 
> 941.893.0396
>  <mailto:ps at> ps at 

Corey H Maass
Gelform Design
Brooklyn, NY
Web design and development for art and business

em corey at
ph 646/228.5048
fx 866/502.4861
IM gelform

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