[nycphp-talk] Trying to decide between MDB2 and PHP PDO

Guilherme Blanco guilhermeblanco at
Fri Jun 26 10:29:00 EDT 2009

Hi, have you already considered an ORM tool to deal with it for you?

Your situation seems to reflect the exact need for it.

Here is the list of some:

Personally I use Doctrine. It's the most complete of all. That's why  
in 2007 I onboarded the project! :-)


Sent from my iPhone

Em 26/06/2009, às 05:06, Rolan Yang <rolan at> escreveu:

> Hans Zaunere wrote:
>>> Hi, I work with Kevin. Our application needs to run on both mySQL  
>>> and
>> Oracle
>>> so we are looking for portability. We currently are using PEAR DB  
>>> and we
>> are
>>> looking into moving to MDB2 or PDO so we thought it would be a  
>>> good idea
>> to
>>  If you actually do expect to need agile portability between  
>> databases, the
>> application level programming interface is secondary.  Really think  
>> about
>> your schema (column types, return types, constraints, etc) and  
>> queries (join
>> behavior, optimizations, transactions, limitations, etc).
> Kevin already stated that he has a need for MySQL/Oracle portability  
> so the following does not likely apply, but this 3 year old article  
> is an interesting read:
> What are your thoughts on the following paragraph?
> "I generally dislike Type 3 software, and I think anyone who’s ever  
> written serious applications that require real performance from a da 
> tabase system will probably agree, for fairly obvious reasons. For o 
> ne thing, platform-independent SQL is a myth. Easy and/or painless c 
> onversion between different database systems is, too. It does not ex 
> ist in the real world. And I don’t agree with those who assert  
> it’s a common requirement, or that it would be a good thing. I think 
>  porting from one system to another is generally rare, and trying to 
>  write “portable” systems when there’s no clear need is going  
> to cause nothing but problems."
> ~Rolan
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