[nycphp-talk] memory problems

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Thu Jun 4 14:14:29 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Rahmin Pavlovic <rahmin at> wrote:
> Heya,
> So, I have this script that does the following:
> 1.  Requests jpeg from origin CDN via cURL
> 2.  If file doesnt exist... log error, continue.
> 3.  Write jpeg to temp file
> 4.  Resize original image (GD lib) to temp file. FTP to directory on new
> CDN.  Create directory structure if not present.  Repeat seven times per
> image.
> Not sure how many, but we're talking about 10k; maybe 15k images.
> The script works, but problem we're running into is the memory limit.  We
> got about 31% through the images, and hit:
> PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 524288000 bytes exhausted (tried to
> allocate 41760 bytes) in /web/lib/php/populate_images.php on line 135

My guess is that you are not calling imagedestroy() after you are done
with the image handle.  You have to manually free the memory with GD.
This generally isn't a problem with web processes, because everything
is cleaned up at the end of the request.

John Campbell

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