[nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Jul 27 22:12:05 EDT 2009

On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, Kristina D. H. Anderson wrote:

> Although I think these days it's more like, learn the stuff on your own 
> time and your own dime, and then beg management to let you work on it.  
> And this could have some drawbacks, most notably more work in the 
> aggregate, since the ol' Drupal stuff isn't going anywhere...

Sad but true, it often ends up as training on your own time. But 
developers that are unhappy for a long time usually end up leaving - its 
amazing that management never sees that. Give developers a great 
environment and they will bend over backwards and give their all.


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