[nycphp-talk] Learned one CMS and want to move on.

Kristina D. H. Anderson ka at
Mon Jul 27 19:07:58 EDT 2009

> 4. Ask if they can pay for training for you - explain how much more 
> projects they can bid on and get if they have a more diversified work 
> force.

I like Ajai's idea #4.  The only way management will agree to let you 
diversify your job duties is if it will put $$$$ in their pocket 

Although I think these days it's more like, learn the stuff on your own 
time and your own dime, and then beg management to let you work on it.  
And this could have some drawbacks, most notably more work in the 
aggregate, since the ol' Drupal stuff isn't going anywhere...


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