[nycphp-talk] PHP Fileupload problem

Jeff Siegel jeff987654 at
Wed Jul 22 13:29:31 EDT 2009


Small file uploads are no problem at all. 

Both clients who are having the problem are in business environments. (One is located in New York...the other is in Georgia.) 

I'm working out of a home office in New York using Verizon FIOS...the consultant I'm working with (who also doesn't have any problems with the upload) is using a home office in New York and Cablevision. 

A head


----- Original Message ----
From: David Krings <ramons at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 1:22:44 PM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] PHP Fileupload problem

Jeff Siegel wrote:
> The code is real standard stuff (see below). A user selects a file. Clicks upload. When the upload is completed a refreshed page appears. This function works perfectly when I test it and when another consultant tests it. We are able to upload files of almost any size. When the upload is complete we see the new refreshed page and the uploaded file is in the correct directory. Of course...this does not work  when the client does the uploading. The browser seems to time out when the file is about 1 meg or greater in size. There are no PHP errors, no PHP timeout errors. Just the browser saying that the page cannot be displayed. 
> I tried the script running off of two different web hosts. It works for me. It works for the consultant. It doesn't work for the client. To make matters worse, the client's client has the same problem uploading files. 

Does uploading of even a small file fail as well? Which internet connection does the client have? Does the client have any other restrictions in place, for example particular traffic monitoring devices that kill any up- or download after a specific size?

No clue what is happening, just some more things to look at.

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