[nycphp-talk] lost sessions on redirect - Found

Christina Karlhoff christinak at
Wed Feb 11 08:29:23 EST 2009

Hi all,
Well, as it turns out the problem was syntax - 
field values had one too many " marks...and the values weren't being
carried into the session.
There was
<input name="Contact_Name" value=""<? echo $form["Contact_Name"]; ?>"">

instead of

<input name="Contact_Name" value="<? echo $form["Contact_Name"]; ?>">

Now field values are being retained on redirect.  [Thank you Hans!!!]
Onto another question:  in testing the form redirect, i find
textbox-type and textarea-type form field values are retained, but not
checkbox values.
How would i include checkbox values in the $form array? 
I'd appreciate some tips.
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