[nycphp-talk] Best practices for combining paths?

Tom Melendez tom at
Thu Apr 2 13:02:11 EDT 2009

> Car Pictures is a pilot project for something that's
> going to be at least 100 times bigger:  it's going to involve getting more
> people in,  and controlling costs is going to be an important part of making
> the vision work.

I don't know what 100 times bigger turns out to be in terms of
users/traffic, but I would recommend not investing a lot of time
investing in the FE handling this.  When you get to the point where
you're partitioning users based on shards of data, or just site
functions, you'll probably want a proxy cluster (and caching I'm sure)
in front of your FEs.  Most of your routing would need to happen at
level then.



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