[nycphp-talk] accessibility issue, how to solve?

mikesz at mikesz at
Sun Oct 19 02:44:19 EDT 2008

Hello mikesz,

Friday, October 17, 2008, 7:14:00 PM, you wrote:

> Hello NYPHP,

> I know I am going to get some heat for this one but here goes...

> Let me preface this by definitively stating that I am categorically
> NOT making a request for information on how to hack into a system.
> This is a legitimate programming problem that I am trying to solve.

> I have a situation where a visually impaired user needs to pass his
> username and password to a forum via a php script (preferably) for obvious
> reasons he can not physically pass the info himself. He is using a text
> reader software so once he is logged in to the forum at least he is able to
> participate or a least read the contents of the threads.

> The Forum Software provider has been pretty proactive in coding
> "injection prevention" methods so passing the username and password
> via a script may not be possible.

> Any accessibility experts got any suggestions on how to solve this
> problem.

> TIA for any help.

I got only one reply to this post. I solved the problem with a simple html
form and a javascript submit so that the blind person that needed the
access just needs to click on an html link if anyone was interested.
The script runs on the local computer and automatically logs them into
their account much like a keystroke capture program would do.

Best regards,
 mikesz                            mailto:mikesz at

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