[nycphp-talk] accessibility issue, how to solve?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Oct 17 08:20:37 EDT 2008

mikesz at wrote:
> Hello NYPHP,
> I know I am going to get some heat for this one but here goes...
> Let me preface this by definitively stating that I am categorically
> NOT making a request for information on how to hack into a system.
> This is a legitimate programming problem that I am trying to solve.
> I have a situation where a visually impaired user needs to pass his
> username and password to a forum via a php script (preferably) for obvious
> reasons he can not physically pass the info himself. He is using a text
> reader software so once he is logged in to the forum at least he is able to
> participate or a least read the contents of the threads.
> The Forum Software provider has been pretty proactive in coding
> "injection prevention" methods so passing the username and password
> via a script may not be possible.
> Any accessibility experts got any suggestions on how to solve this
> problem.
> TIA for any help.
Don't have enough information. The injection countermeasures employed by 
the forum website need to be examined. In the simplest case, a Curl 
request might suffice.  There might be some javascript "challenge" 
computation task or a captcha that would make things more difficult. If 
possible, I think the easier solution would be to have his browser 
"remember" the login and password. :)


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