[nycphp-talk] Converting the pesky MS Word quotes and other characters

Hans Zaunere lists at
Sun Nov 2 15:51:16 EST 2008

Dan C,

> function filter_fancy_characters_polaris($in) {
>             // The order of these is very important.
>             '/\xC2\xBC/',
>             '/\xBC/',
>             '/\xC2\xBD/',
>             '/\xBD/',
>             '/\xC2\xBE/',
>             '/\xBE/',
>         $replace = array(
>             '1/4',
>             '1/4',
>             '1/2',
>             '1/2',
>             '3/4',
>             '3/4',

I notice you have that the order of these is important.  I believe I've run
into these types of chars, and had great fun trying to remove them.  If you
remove only one byte, the subsequent bytes apparently change.  I'm assuming
these are the same types of chars - do you have any references with
technical description and more info about these multi-bytes?


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