[nycphp-talk] Old subject new day - Pear Captcha

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Jun 13 18:02:25 EDT 2008

y2rob at wrote:
> hello,
> i realize this is an old thread, but was anyone ever been able to get 
> the pear captcha working?  here is the original thread from last year, 
> but it seems like no one had a resolution to it. 
> i've done a couple of searches and haven't found anything to solve 
> this bug.  i find it funny that if you do a search for that particular 
> error on google, it will bring you to a whole slough of sites 
> experiencing the same problem.  i might try to debug it on my own, but 
> i just wanted to see if anyone else was able to figure it out and i 
> have a feeling it might be a bit of a lost cause!!??
> ~rob
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <>
I managed to get it working, but IIRC had to upgrade gd lib.


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