[nycphp-talk] amazon aws

David Krings ramons at
Sat Jun 7 08:33:14 EDT 2008

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> For what it is worth, I stopped reading the paper NY Times probably 7
> years ago. 

I read the NY Times briefly some years ago and while I think it is a good 
paper it is just too much and lacks, but explainably so, any local coverage. 
And the local papers have 2 pages of local news, a dismal coverage of world 
news, and the rest goes for baseball coverage.
I do, too, get most of my news input from the web as well as WAMC. I have the 
option to read several european papers who publish in German and most of the 
time their reports put a totally different spin on things, which balances the 
typically one sided spin of the US media. What is interesting is how they 
provide their articles. Many have for the Web2.0 age very bland page layouts 
and all put the main navigation at the top and the more detailed navigation on 
the right and typically go easy on images. See, most people in Germany have to 
pay for online time by the minute, others have contracts that limit the amount 
of data downloaded, and then there is still the large portion of people with 
dial-up. Most use the enterprise CMS from Six (, a PHP based system.
In general, I think it isn't so much as to what you want to put out on a page, 
but what the audience is most likely able to receive. That is why YouTube has 
videos of often crappy video quality as that makes for smaller files that load 
faster and are an option for folks with dial-up as well.


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