[nycphp-talk] Multitons and Late Static Binding

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Sat Jul 26 11:16:52 EDT 2008

Hi Paul:

Hadn't heard of "multitons" before despite my using them under the name 
"singletons."  So I checked out the Wikipedia entry about it,  What's even more interesting, is 
the versions of this article prior to May of this year said this term is 
kind of made up:

   Multiton is a (disputed) term often used to describe a Singleton-like
   pattern that allows more than just one instance to be created. While
   there is no official Gang of Four design pattern called Multiton...

That aside, the code I was doing this in has its roots in PHP 4, so the 
hash/objects were being stored in $GLOBALS.  But seeing Wikipedia's 
example made me realize I could store the hash in the class itself.

> In the article I suggest that LSB could be used to do it better in PHP, 
> but I haven't figured out exactly how.  Any ideas?

Not sure how late static binding is really needed for this since the 
pattern works just fine in PHP 5.2:

class db {
    private $db_resource = null;
    private static $dbs = array();

    public function __construct($user, $db, $host, $port, $pass) {
        $this->db_resource = @new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db, $port);
        if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
            // handle it...

    public static function multiton($user, $db, $host, $port, $pass) {
        $hash = self::get_auth_hash($user, $db, $host, $port, $pass);
        if (!isset(self::$dbs[$hash])) {
            self::$dbs[$hash] = new db($user, $db, $host, $port, $pass);
        return self::$dbs[$hash];


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