[nycphp-talk] Templating engines

Nate Abele nate at
Sat Jan 19 12:25:29 EST 2008

On Jan 19, 2008, at 10:20 AM, talk-request at wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Jan 2008, Anirudh Zala wrote:
>> When you move from medium to large scale projects, Symfony starts  
>> getting
>> restricted. For example there is no native support to handle  
>> replication of
>> database hence you left stumped that what to do.
>> Fortunately there is plugin to do so. But it has also it's  
>> limitations. It
>> supports only 1 master and many slave type of replication. Hence if  
>> you need
>> to handle multiple masters and slaves then you have no other way  
>> except
>> modifying that plugin.
> Define "large".

Okay.  How about an application that more than 5 of my closest friends  
can use at the same time?  So far, all benchmarks indicate that  
Symfony is about *half as fast as Rails*.  You take APC out of the  
equation, and it's about an 8th as fast as Rails (in terms of rps).

Getting back to the OP, in terms of speed, you're better off going  
with pretty much anything but Symfony.  Heck, you'd probably be better  
off re-implementing PHP itself in PHP (oh wait, that's Smarty).  For  
simple templating, nothing beats PHP itself, which is why I'd  
recommend something like Savant.

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