[nycphp-talk] javascript calling php function -- now question on Ajax

Steve Manes smanes at
Mon Feb 18 23:36:28 EST 2008

Susan Shemin wrote:
> Anyway, Ajax is usually used to open an external file into a div, and it 
> uses a form to send the request.  What I want to do is trigger a php 
> script to run when someone clicks a certain anchor URL.  I guess you 
> would call it my own stats attempt.  So I have no form, and nothing to 
> be displayed on the current page because the user is going to URL from 
> the click.
> Please be gentle with me -- but what am I missing and is it at all 
> possible, Ajax or not?

Sure.  Here's an excerpt of something similar using xAjax in a project 
I'm working on now:

/* HTML */
<a href="javascript:void(null)"
             'id_view_note_on', {$notes[i].contact_note_id});
            return false;">
   <img src="/images/icons/edit.gif" border="0" alt="edit"></a>

/* PHP */
function load_contact_notes_server($container_id, $div_id, $contact_note_id)
     global $trms;

     $ajax_response = new xajaxResponse();

     // Load vendor

     list($results, $message) = admin_get_contact_notes($trms, 
$contact_note_id, true);

     // ....

     $ajax_response->assign($container_id, 'innerHTML', 
     $ajax_response->call('div_on', $div_id);

     return $ajax_response;

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