[nycphp-talk] Thank you NYPhP -- Kerbeaz launches!

Rolan Yang rolan at
Thu Feb 14 21:43:37 EST 2008

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> NYPhP:
> I have been holding off on this, waiting until things are “perfect”, 
> but finally realized that could be an eternity. So...
> Kerbeaz went live on Monday. I thought the hard part was behind me, 
> but now the true adventure begins — building traffic.
> ...
> Many thanks,
> Cliff 

You didn't mention the website address, but I guess most people who 
assume it to be
What an interesting concept. I didn't quite get it a first, but after 
browsing around and reading the "About" section, it became clearer.
Now, if I could only figure a way of using the Kerbeaz site to curb my 
internet addiction :)


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