[nycphp-talk] using PHP mail function on Windows server - update

Tim Gales tgales at
Mon Apr 28 13:31:44 EDT 2008

Tim Gales wrote:
> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Well, more weirdness.  I tested the code this afternoon and it 
>> actually worked on the Windows box -- twice -- sent the email upon 
>> initial page load and again when I reloaded the page.  But then 
>> completely stopped working.  This was before I had created the 
>> php.ini file, and the only two times it ever worked on the Windows box.
> Make sure the SMTP service is running on the Windows box,
> If its not -- check the System Event log for errors.
> Maybe the way the mail server is being called (from PHP)
> is causing it to die.
What I mean is stuff like this can happen:

*[2 Sep 2003 10:54am UTC] ap at d-dt dot de*

Yes, sometimes it also crashed with my code when I'd used
it via the command-line (php.exe, the cli-Version does not
always produces the crash), but it worked with php_mod.

I think it depends whether I have a null-messagebody or
null-Subject. (There were some situations where it crashes
and the "null-situation" was at least one of them)


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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