[nycphp-talk] Embrace Dynamic PHP

Hans Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Apr 24 22:18:48 EDT 2008

Austin Smith wrote:
> Further, I've long wanted to write a very simple set of flexible 
> helper functions for PHP newbies so they don't blow their brains out 
> with things like mysql_query("insert into blog_entries values(0, 
> "{$_POST['title']}", "{$_POST['body']}");
> You know, provide simple active record, super simple controllers, no 
> configuration, lightweight templates, pack it into one file to include 
> in a single front controller, and forget about it. Plus a strong 
> mission to avoid bloat... and that's it. Everything else could be a 
> plugin, including the automatic admin architecture that was cool two 
> years ago, but which I find pretty useless these unless you really 
> _are_ setting up a CD library management system, the user management 
> subsystem, blah blah blah.

You must know this is where all frameworks and monolithic systems are 
born.  The seed is the desire to solve some problem, like db 
connectivity and front end controller.  And before you know it, you have 
had to extend it to cover the edge cases and other need.  And one day 
you open your eyes and see the beast staring at you.

Hans K

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