[nycphp-talk] [OT?] inconsistent html email display

David Mintz david at
Mon Apr 21 10:34:47 EDT 2008

Ah, useful to know. I thought (unthinkingly) that it was ok since I as
author and owner of the external sheet know that it's not evil. But the user
agent doesn't know that (duh). Perhaps I was also thinking it's like images
-- in many clients, blocked unless the user explicitly allows them.


On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 2:07 AM, BAS <lists at> wrote:

> David Mintz wrote:
> > I'm not styling with class attributes, but I am linking to my own
> > stylesheet via fully qualified URL -- is that a crime or something?
> >
> Hi David,
> I'll second what John said--yes, external stylesheets are evil and will
> give you nothing but grief in HTML emails.
> CSS support in HTML email is highly unpredictable & buggy--much more so
> than in browsers, and it's only gotten worse with the advent of Outlook
> 2007.
> The best resource I know of is at:
> It contains an accurate, up-to-date, exhaustive list of CSS support in all
> major email clients (PC & Mac), as well as the webmail-based stuff like
> GMail, Windows Live Mail, etc.
> Bev
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David Mintz

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