[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

Tim Gales tgales at
Sun Apr 20 12:49:33 EDT 2008

Urb LeJeune wrote:
> Let me make a practical point. 10 years after the Financial Analysts
> Federation announced there Certified Financial Analysts (CFA) 
I think you mean 'Chartered Financial Analyst'
> designation
> those so certified was making 56% more than their cohorts not certified.
There are three different levels of the CFA exam.
(an interesting side point, for people doing consulting, is the
definition of 'conflict of interest' and scenarios which do and do not
constitute a conflict in the level one CHA preparation material))
And you need four years of qualified experience.

"..,only 19 percent complete the entire three-test program.
“Many people [who start the CFA program] have not tasted failure in any
sort of testing or school environment,” Johnson explains. “Once they 
how rigorous it is and how high the standards are, many of them back away.”
-- Bob Johnson, Director. Education Divisionm CFA Institute

I would guess the main reason why there are so few CHA's is because
it is harder to get qualified than people think -- not that it isn't 
(maybe I got what you meant wrong)


T. Gales & Associates
'Helping People Connect with Technology'

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