[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: webmaster test

David Krings ramons at
Sat Apr 19 18:03:34 EDT 2008

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> Ajai -- in order to choose a math or science type of major at the 
> university, students were required to have taken Physics in HS.  So 
> refusing me permission to do the senior year Physics course in HS 
> effectively left me out of that option.
> Bearing in mind this was 30 years ago and I do HOPE things have changed.

Yes, they did. But this was common in Germany, too,  when my parents went to 
school. My aunt was lucky, she went to school right after the war and there 
was a teacher shortage. They just didn't have the staff to teach different 
classes. This is why she had geometry and algebra with the boys, something she 
really appreciated when she later worked as a taylor. She once had to make 
triangular and octogonal pillow covers. Among her staff she was the only one 
who could figure out how to place the pieces on the cloth to lessen waste.
When I went to high school we had all classes together, including PE. That was 
normal for us. We also had two years of "textile sculpturing" (couldn't find a 
better translation). It was like art class, but with textiles only. This is 
where I learned how to sow on buttons and make neat seams. Came in handy a few 
days ago when my son squeezed his teddy a bit too much and the back popped 
open. He was happy that I could do emergency surgery on his teddy. :)
Broad education is high school!


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