[nycphp-talk] Why IT Sucks

SyAD at SyAD at
Fri Apr 18 10:40:12 EDT 2008

Yeah, the IT culture is a lot different, and I guess business culture is 
still trying to fit IT into their standard model.
It's too bad in a way -- the beauty of not working in a 9-5 workplace is that 
independents are often available for a lot more hours.  I'm basically 
available from 9am to about 11pm most days.  I don't waste time commuting.  I do 
conference calls, Glance sessions etc.  If I have to do something that could 
affect operations, I can do it after hours, and it doesn't seem like a burden to me.
In a way, I don't get the on-site thing even for big companies.  I was doing 
some work for a very large company a few months back, and we were doing 
conference calls with the manager in NYC, IT in Oklahoma, and a vendor in Boston.
Part of it is logic too, for a developer.  It seems much more efficient to 
create your own work environment rather than sitting in a noisy bunch of 
cubicles.  It's all the same work -- let's talk on the phone or even go on-site for 
specs and requirements, and then let me go off and do the work.
Well, it's almost 11am -- time to get a shower.  ;)
In a message dated 4/17/2008 2:34:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
jbaltz at writes:

on 2008-04-17 09:18 SyAD at said the following:
> This may have been mentioned already, but maybe the best people out 
> there are independent?

>From just coming off of (and still trying to) hire PHP programmers, I 
have to say that a great many resumes and interviews I've had are with 
people who aren't willing to work on-site; they want to telecommute 
80-90% and work from their apartments in their jammies and slippers.
Best, worst, in-between-est, I can't find someone who wants to work 

KDHA: no piping up about where the site is. It's not THAT bad.

> Steve

jerry b. altzman        jbaltz at
thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.
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