[nycphp-talk] OT: webmaster test

Ben Sgro ben at
Mon Apr 14 11:09:26 EDT 2008

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I just want to give a +1 to the previous thoughts. Most of the questions 
you had (1-5) are pretty silly.
Ask them to either look at code and predict the behavior, or create 
something of their own.

You can also request they submit code when they apply for the position.

Good luck!

- Ben

André Pitanga wrote:
>> I think that the border question is a little specific.  I never 
>> memorize order of parameters,  I learn the concepts behind it.  
>> Knowing which position comes first in a border-width command doesn't 
>> really demonstrate your knowledge of css.
> True indeed.  There's more value in conceptual knowledge than in rote 
> memorization of syntax.
> Your inheritance question is indeed better. I'll add it to the next 
> draft. Thank you.
>> For your programming question, I think someone without programming 
>> experience could get that :)
> Great. I don't think that would be a problem. I think that would be a 
> pretty smart person.
> I knew about fizz-buzz but thought it was too difficult...
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