[nycphp-talk] export to access or excel

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Thu Apr 10 10:13:23 EDT 2008

Hi there:

This just feels like one of those questions that would have been asked  
a million times, but looking at the web site, it appears that the  
archives of this list are not searchable?

Anyway, it can still be worthwhile to ask the same question again, I  
suppose, because new projects come along, and others get improved or  

So, the question is: can anyone recommend a good library for exporting  
MDB or XLS files from PHP?  I'm in a situation where I'd prefer an  
access dump, but an excel dump could possibly work.

I'm googling away, as well, but hoping for some bona fide firsthand  
recommendation from someone who maybe does this a lot (I don't).


Marc Vose

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