[nycphp-talk] Did you know that each integer in a PHP array takes 68 bytes of storage?

Ben Sgro ben at
Tue Apr 1 12:37:53 EDT 2008


If anyone is truly interested in the internals of php (the c code and 
data structures) take a look at the book
"Extending and Embedding PHP". Its got lots of source.

If you don't know c, its not that helpful and will be a challenging read.

- Ben

Webmaster wrote:
> You're not the only one that isn't following the inference/point here.
> What would be an example of a real-life application of array usage 
> that would be rendered faulty/unstable due to this limitation?
> Michael B Allen wrote:
>> On 4/1/08, Sol Toure <sol2ray at> wrote:
>>> Good to know:
>> I don't understand. Is this supposed to indicate that PHP is somehow
>> inefficient at storing array elements?
>> "a single integer value stored within an PHP array uses 68 bytes: 16
>> bytes for value structure (zval), 36 bytes for hash bucket, and 2*8 =
>> 16 bytes for memory allocation headers."
>> That sounds fairly reasonable to me.
>> Note that each element does not incur a hash bucket. The bucket holds
>> a list. The blogger just wasn't smart enough to insert enough elements
>> to see elements hash to the same bucket.
>> Mike
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