[nycphp-talk] Integration Strategies

Anirudh Zala arzala at
Tue Sep 25 00:10:37 EDT 2007

On Saturday 22 Sep 2007 23:59:36 Hans Zaunere wrote:
> Hello all,
> A recent presentation suggestion was on the topic of integration.  For
> instance, taking the best of breed CMS, calendar and shopping cart
> application and getting them to cross-connect.  Namely, for user
> authentication, authorization and management.
> There is no single solution that I am aware of, but typical strategies
> include the following:
> -- custom code to glue these different items together, on a case-by-case
> basis
> -- starting out with a framework of sorts and using moodules built for it.
> The framework then provides the integration.

- Detailed study: Normally it requires to study each application to find out 
whether it behaves in different way when used without parent framework or 
not. Some application works best when they are part of parent 
application/framework but may not work as expected in custom environment.

- Changing code: Additionally it also requires to change the application 
itself. But changes depends upon requirements of integration and complexity 
of code of application.

- Security concern: Some sort of custom code to be designed to check whether 
there has occurred any kind of security holes due to integration of various 
application or not.


Anirudh Zala

> So I'd like to begin a discussion on what others have done to address these
> challenges.
> Additionally, we can use the points raised for a future presentation.  I'd
> like to set one meeting aside where 4-5 speakers provide 10-15 minute case
> studies on solutions/strategies they've used as solutions to these
> challenges.
> ---
> Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP
>  /
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