[nycphp-talk] Minimal overhead

Paul Houle paul at
Sun Sep 2 13:02:31 EDT 2007

Josh McCormack wrote:
> You could get around having to have all pages be php by running
> through some sort of preprocessos that makes static pages for that
> audience, day, hour, etc, and flags which files really need to be
> dynamic. Sounds like a lot of work, though.
> Josh
    I'm currently building an ultralight publishing system to preserve 
an old database-backed site that got trashed a year or two ago.

    I don't have any intention of adding new articles,  so I don't need 
a live database.  I wrote a script that read rows from the database and 
wrote them into ".html" files that look like


    "SID" => "20070202304034",
    "TITLE" => "The title of this post"

    I'm just about to use "auto_prepend_file" configuration directive to 
run another PHP file that renders the page based on the contents of 

    I expect to get excellent performance this way,  but still have the 
flexibility of changing the way files are rendered without having to go 
back to the database.

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