[nycphp-talk] Looking for Solaris 2.6 System Admin to help with installation

Nelly Yusupova nelly at
Sat Oct 27 17:02:53 EDT 2007

Hello Everyone,
We have an old server Solaris 2.6 that was configured with MySQL,  PHP3,
mod_perl and apache.  The server is running our listserv lists (CGI) and I
wanted to add a new app on it that required PHP4...after attempting to
recompile apache with PHP4, the system is not working.
I am looking for a Solaris 2.6 system administrator to help with the
installation of apache with PHP4, mod_perl, mod_ssl.  If you are interested,
please contact me directly at nelly at
Thank you in advance.
Nelly Yusupova.

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