[nycphp-talk] Is it hard to compile and install php from source?

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Wed Oct 10 17:37:13 EDT 2007

On 10/10/07, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
> Switch to Fedora 7 or Ubuntu 7.0.4
> Have them do it (they quoted 1-3 hours)
> Their last suggestion, which they discourage — do it myself
>  What do you suggest? The geek in me wants to take on the challenge. But the
> businessman in me knows there's only so many hours in the day. Switching OS
> seem easy, but I have another server elsewhere that uses rhel4 and would
> like to maintain some consistency. Thoughts?

Hi Cliff,

Once you install something from source, you bypass the automated
update capability of your distro. That package and all of it's
dependencies suddenly become much less predictable. For these reasons
I almost never build anything from source. And when I do, I use
rpmbuild to build from .src.rpm (on RPM based systems anyway).

I recommend that you get a distro specifically suited to your needs. I
agree with the other poster that CentOS is a good choice. Specifically
you want CentOS 5 Server w/o X (although the .0 release looks like it
has some SELinux issues - you might want to install w/ SELinux
disabled and then enabled it later when you have everything dialed

I do not recommend Fedora or Ubuntu or any other desktop oriented
systems (even if it's a "server" version). RH's core business is Linux
*servers* so stick with CentOS (for those who may not be aware, CentOS
is basically RHEL with all the logos and stuff stripped out). That
also makes it easy to upgrade to RHEL if you're business takes off an
you want better support.


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SPNEGO SSO

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