[nycphp-talk] GoogleMapAPI

Steve Manes smanes at
Thu Nov 15 09:50:15 EST 2007

Gary Mort wrote:
> Steve Manes wrote:
>> I could as well but I don't like mucking with third-party libraries or 
>> APIs.  Murphy's Law says that after I turn this software over to the 
>> client someone will download an updated API six months from now and 
>> lose the fixes.
> Why not extend it and submit the patches back.  Than if their accepted 
> and then the thing is downloaded again in 4 months, your changes are in 
> the codebase.

Maybe later.  At the moment, I'm under the gun to get the transportation 
component built for a medical referral application.  Using Google's 
native API is the quickest route (pun unintended) for that.  I completed 
most of the maps stuff last night and I know that when they see it the 
client will probably request yet more functionality that's not in that 

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