[nycphp-talk] Modifying an XML tag name OR cloning an entire node including childnodes

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sun May 27 23:43:00 EDT 2007

Is it something you can do client side?

SimpleXML will remove HTML but I think if you wrap w/ CDATA and use  
that instead of text might work?

- Jon

On May 27, 2007, at 9:56 PM, Dynamic Ink wrote:

> I need to modify an XML tag name and am having quite a few setbacks  
> trying to do it with DOM.
> Basically I am trying to turn something like this:
> <div>Hello <i>Joe</i>, nice to meet you</div>
> into this:
> <p>Hello <i>Joe</i>, nice to meet you</p>
> I could not figure out any way to change the readonly nodeName  
> property, but I was able to make a new node, insert before the old  
> node and then remove the old node. The problem is that I am  
> populating the value of the new node with the $oldNode->nodeValue  
> property which apparently only includes text, not child nodes, so I  
> end up with:
> <p>Hello Joe, nice to meet you</p>
> Anyone have any ideas how to get the entire node value including  
> any subnodes that may appear within? Or better yet, how can I just  
> modify an XML tag name and avoid this hassle altogether?
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