[nycphp-talk] IDE recommendations

David Krings ramons at
Fri May 25 11:57:33 EDT 2007

Jon Baer wrote:
> Not sure what OS but ... It may or may not work for you, but going the 
> reverse route of lightweight editors and FirePHP is a good free simple 
> route.  Originally I felt the same that the more tools in an IDE the 
> better and was excited about the idea of a DB query tool in the IDE but 
> things really slow down after that.

I currently do the development on Windope, but I plan to redistribute 
the usage of my PCs in such a way as that I can reduce the number of 
Windope boxes in favour of (K)Ubuntu. I don't mind either platform, but 
for right now I'd tend towards Windope just to keep the fear of the 
unknown out of the equation.

While I like Luckasoft's MySQL client a lot, I don't need to have it 
integrated into the IDE and do all kinds of stuff. My SQL skills cover 
the basic insert, update, select, and delete queries, so I don't need a 
DB client that is so much smarter than I am. Also, I find that the free 
MySQL tools aren't bad, but a bit clumsy and sometimes a bit broken.
But I do want some project management, a debugger, and a link between 
code word and PHP manual (such as F1 help in Enginsite). Can I do 
without all that, sure, but then I'd use notepad and write perfect 

> A new OS X editor for PHP that is pretty nice is Coda.  No Windows clone 
> yet.
> Linkage
> Other lightweights for Win ...

I took FirePHP for a spin and it works, it for sure gives a nice 
overview what is happening on the page, but for me it is like riding a 
bike without training wheels - and yes, I still need those.

> It would be nice to see a "How I Work" section on for IDE 
> recommendations.  I feel the topic comes up alot w/ good pros and cons.
> - Jon
I can wrap up my evaluations / findings in a document. I need to edit it 
  once written as I tend to be very wordy....seems to be a German thing 
that doesn't go well with Americans, see


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