Donald J Organ IV dorgan at
Thu May 10 10:33:46 EDT 2007

i don think the pear packages would have much success in this instance 
as well, because i believe they rely on the imap functions as well and 
this is the imap_fetchstructure function that i am having the issue with.

Kenneth Downs wrote:
> Donald J Organ IV wrote:
>> Has anyone that has done with with imap_fetchstructure run into the 
>> problem where in the parameters array the object containing the 
>> name/value pair the value is being truncated....
>> In this instance I am seeing some emails that the attachment 
>> filenames are being truncated to the first letter so in stead of 
>> being "file-name.txt" it shows up as "f"
>> Any help would be appreciated.
> I did have some success about a year ago with various PEAR email 
> packages.  There is one really nifty one that parses an entire email 
> into its complete nested tree of text and attachments, a really cool 
> Right Thing kind of package.  It saved me from having to learn too 
> much about the internals of emails.
> Don't know if you've tried that or if its relevant, but here's hoping 
> it helps.
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