[nycphp-talk] Stored MS Access procedures > PHP/MySQL?

David Krings ramons at
Tue Jun 19 19:02:58 EDT 2007

Rahmin Pavlovic wrote:
> A colleague of mine wants to convert a large MS Access DB to the web, while
> retaining all keys, queries, forms and stored procedures in some sort of
> manageable CMS.  (I can easily dump the data, but would have to manually
> redo the stored stuff.)
> Anyone know of such a thing?  I'm assuming there're probably some VB-esque
> services out there, but I'd like to both ween him off MS products and better
> integrate his application into our LAMPmosphere.
> ~TIA

A quick googling gave this among others:

They sell the converter apparently for 25$, which is cheap enough to not 
even try anything manual. I do wonder about the "stored procedures" 
portion as this is the first time that I heard MS Access being capable 
of that.


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