[nycphp-talk] Oh... Interviewing

mikesz at mikesz at
Fri Jul 20 23:40:40 EDT 2007

Frankly, I think that is an arrogant and fascist interviewing technique. 
You only mention informing the candidate about the "test" AFTER the 
fact. Putting an already nervous candidate on the "hot seat" with a 
surpise 'examine' like they were some kind of a highschool student is 
unconscionably irresponsible and most certainly an offensive act and can 
easily be interpreted by the candidate as a hostile environment.
Furthermore, I think that the candidate would be completely justified in 
just saying goodbye rather than playing your silly little game. IMHO. 
You probably already lost the best candidate for the job with your game 
playing so you deserve whatever you get as a result.

The bottom line: Do unto others as you would have done onto you...

Having been on both sides of that table many, many times, you have much 
to learn about interviewing techniques. Unfortunately, you can not 
repair the damage you have already done to the candidates you have 
already humiliated with your arrogance and inexperience.

Too bad...

regards, mikesz

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