[nycphp-talk] unbelievable

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Tue Jan 30 21:57:18 EST 2007

I'm taking an artificial intelligence class and we can do the  
assignments in Python, Java, or C++.  I was leaning toward Java but  
your post makes me want to lean toward Python.  Hmmm...


On Jan 30, 2007, at 9:45 PM, edward potter wrote:

> So what am I doing?  I am diving FULL blast into Python, and the
> Django frame work. Major Python shops?  Google, yahoo, and youtube.
> Yes, I'll still use php, in fact it's Wordpress, MediaWiki, and just
> about any ecommerce application out there, In fact, every project I'm
> working on now is php based - BUT I'M AM SORRY to say, with at least
> 6+ years with php under my belt, I think it's time to move on.

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